BIS BISS Am Can GChex Captiva’s Special Delivery CGN
I feel the need, the need
8 weeks

at 11 months , Mary Burr his other “mother” took below
and I’m so happy she let me use Geoffrey (Windy’s brother) even
if we only have the one……..he will carry on for Windy and Geoffrey

Pictured above winning the 12-15 sweeps class at the Irish
Setter Club of American National Specialty
above winning a Group Fourth under Mr. Wild at 16 months
winning Best In Sweeps at the Irish Setter Club of Michigan Specialty!!
winning Winners Dog and Best Bred By at the Irish Setter Club of Michigan!
goes Winners Dog at the Irish Setter Club of Central Connecticut!!
completed his Canadian Championship in very limited showing and winning multiple
group placements along the way and Best Bred By Exhibitor in Group!!
goes Winners Dog at the Irish Setter Club of Lower Susquehanna to finish.
He finished with 4 specialty majors in 4 different states, NY, MI, CT, PA all by
18 1/2 months! He’s gone Winners Dog at every specialty (with the
exception of one day in MI and the national) that he’s been shown at this year.
thanks to Anne Marie for helping with the photo, without her we might still be
there 🙂
at 18 1/2 months below with his dirty nose :
does greet people sometimes a little too welcoming
Reserve Best In Show at just over 2. Thank You Mr
Shreve (pictured), Group 1st Mr Mendoza, Group 2nd Mr Bödegard.
No he does not have a lead on that’s arch of neck 🙂
the national up front:
with Sparkle
in the tree?
his teddy
winning Group 2 at the Purina National not yet 3 years old:
Ocala National
Ontario county
first Best in Show
3 1/2 back in his favourite spot
Am. Ch. Shawnee Pipedream O’charlton
Am. Ch. Ramblin’Red Kildavan
Am. Ch. Ramblin’Red Glingael
Am. Ch. Summerset Double Trouble
Ramblin’Red Glin Gehvlin
Summerset Autumn Mist
Delarda’s Mid Summer Dream
Hazelhill Sugar Shack
Am. Ch. Candia Indeed
Am. Ch. Kerry-Eire Revolutionary
Am. Ch. Danalee Cover Girl
Am. Ch. Hazelhill Sweet Cakes
Am. Ch. Shawnee Pipedream O’charlton
Ramblin’Red Indianfire
Am. Ch. Ramblin’Red Avelle
Am Can Ch Quailfield Sucessful Busines
Am. Ch. Meadowlark’s Masterpiece
Am. Ch. Meadowlarks Intrepid
Am. Ch. Meadowlark’s Interlude
BIS BISS Am. Ch. Meadowlarks Vindicator
Am. Ch. Shawnee Pipedream O’charlton
Am. Ch. Meadowlark’s Magical Mirage
Am. Ch. Meadowlark’s Moodlight Magic
Am. Ch. Quailfield Red Hot Business
Am. Ch. Candia Indeed
Am. Ch. Kerry-Eire Revolutionary
Am. Ch. Danalee Cover Girl
Am. Ch. Kerry-Eire Coral Charm
Am. Ch. Rendition Erin of Sunny Hills
Am. Ch. Liafail Sea Urchin
Am. Ch. Liafail Brackenfield Beauty
Puppy #1 whelped on 03/13/2004
03/13/2004 Mahogany
Thenderin William Muldoon
Am. Ch. Kimberlin O’Killea of O’Topo
Kimberlin Kyrie
Am Can Ch. McCamon Impresario
Trivelda Telstar
Am Can Ch. McCamon Grande Dame
McCamon’s Royal Burgundy
Am Can Ch. Captiva’s Ride With The Wind CGC
Am. Ch. Summerset Double Trouble
Hazelhill Sugar Shack
Am. Ch. Hazelhill Sweet Cakes
Am Can Ch. Quailfield Stylish Success
BIS BISS Am. Ch. Meadowlarks Vindicator
Am. Ch. Quailfield Red Hot Business
Am. Ch. Kerry-Eire Coral Charm
Am Can Ch. Captiva McDerry Odds Are
Cucuhullain Diamond Summer
Am. Ch. Cucuhullain Eternal Prince
Ramblin’Red Iaslinn
Am. Ch. Cucuhullain Good Fortune
Am. Ch. Courtwood Summer Forcast
Am. Ch. Cucuhullain Diamond Morning
Am. Ch. Cucuhullain Chelsea Morning
Am. Ch. McDerry’s Almost Illegal JH
Am. Ch. Rossan’s Raz Ma Taz
Am. Ch. Courtwood Golden Gate
Am. Ch. Courtwood Bright Ruby
Am. Ch. McDerry’s Becky Thatcher
Courtwood Manuscript
Am. Ch. McDerry’s National Jubilee JH
McDerry’s Jamie Girl